Thursday, April 14, 2011

nancy grace on Arranged Marriages - WHAT A CLUELESS WOMEN!

Unfortunately, when I turned on CNN, nancy grace was on. UHG! When is CNN going to get rid of this fool? I believe CNN keeps her around because she pisses people off, and they want to see what ridiculous thing is going to come out of her mouth next. Kind of like the Howard Stern phenomenon. I LOVE HOWARD BY THE WAY! He probably hates her too. Anyways, she was reporting on the story of Wazineh Suleiman, a missing mom who was found in Georgia. When nancy was talking with another women that had information about the investigation, the other women filled nancy in on the fact that Wazineh had an arranged marriage. All of a sudden, it was like nancy saw a UFO. She got it on as if arranged marriages were the likes of aliens living in your basement. She just could not wrap her head around the fact that arranged marriages are still happening, or even exist. WAKE UP TO THE REST OF THE WORLD LADY! Obviously nancy goes straight home from CNN to her couch with a bowl full of bon bons, and probably watches Jersey Shore all night. She sure isn't watching anything that happens on the rest of this planet. As I do not condone or like the idea of arranged marriages, at least myself and MOST of the population know that they exist and are somewhat OK with it. How does nancy grace, get a job with CNN? I thought they hired cultured, "worldly", people. hmmmm, maybe nancy gave a CNN executive a handjob or two to get the job.
Personally, I think any women that goes along with an arranged marriage, who does not love, or even like her soon-to-be husband is pretty much a sheep doing the will of men. If women were to speak up for themselves in the these types of cultures, these men would actually have to start becoming REAL MEN, and stop buying their wives. Sorry guys, you might have to start taking showers. (not all, but in some cases, the "arrangement" is usually about obtaining financial / power gain for one side of the family. I know some American gypsies, and they tell me how it is )  If the women involved are going along with it willfully and HAPPILY, I'm all for arranged marriages and/or whatever else different cultures want to practice. Sometimes, arranged marriages are very beneficial for everyone involved, and are way better than a typical "American marriage". DO YOUR THING INDIA!, or whoever else practices arranged marriages. Oh, and please call nancy and let her kmow the rest of the world exists.

I think this show has been on for at least a half an hour or so. There are ten times more important topics to be talking about right now, but she is spending HER WHOLE SHOW on this missing/found women. Hey Nancy, how about you do a whole show on the illegal killing of dolphins and whales in Japan. MAYBE a show that shed's some light on our money hungry congress members that pass laws that only benefit themselves and their rich friends. Wait, never mind, you will probably fuck that up and make matters worse.

Wow, nancy just said, on arranged marriages, "I am STUNNED that they are going on in America" aahhahahaha CLUELESS!. It's the end of the show and she does this bit about a fallen soldier, LIKE SHE CARES! She just spent a whole episode on something that should be reserved for the tabloid / trailer park shows, and now all of a sudden she cares about something important like our service men being killed by religious nutjobs. PLEEEASE, put this lady on a network I don't watch, like FOX news, with no credibility.

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